07 August 2007

pragmatism defined

I subjected myself to Rick warren's recent podcast on evangelism. There was actually a few good points made, however they were built on the sandy foundation of pragmatism.
Have a listen to this truly sad soundbite.

Listen to bite here
2 mins


Anonymous said...

hmmm....that's really sad...

the thing that bugs me too, is when people put so much emphasis on the number of so called *registered* commitments at a meeting.....

numbers are NOTHING!!...

do they really know what it means to turn from sin/repent and believe in Jesus Christ???? Do they even know why they need a Saviour????

And how many of these so called commitments, go out the front yet gain, when a new preacher's in town, to 'get saved' all over again?

Preach the TRUE Gospel message and birth them right...

*gets off her soapbox* ;)

Anonymous said...

I've heard this before but hearing it again I still had to pick my jaw off the floor! I can't believe that a preacher would be so reckless with people's eternal destiny.

sim said...

Wow Louisa! So, where can I tune in to YOUR radio show? =)

Jessp said...

That is SCARY.
Quite breathtaking to hear it that explicitly. WOW.

sim said...

Wow - Lots of comments. Maybe there's something to this pragmatism thing - If I put up more Rick Warren sound bites maybe I'll get more hits!

Urban Polyphonic Mystic said...

Assuming those 2,000 "commitments" were all sincere and remained committed to their "decision"...I have a hard time hearing him say "only" when speaking of them.
So "only" 2k got saved the second time when you spoke about Heaven.
Well, gee. I guess that's a shame that "only" 2k got snatched from the pit of Hell, maybe for some of them at the last moment, when you spoke about Heaven. I guess you'll "only" get 1k next time if you preach on Hell.
"Only"...you know, that guy just bugs me.