Another soundbite from the DVD "Amazing Grace - the History and Theology of Calvanism" The DVD really does a good job of explaining things clearly as you can hear in this clip about the perserverance of the saints.
This is a hard topic and one I've been wrestling with for a long time. The idea expressed in Scripture regarding predestination seems balanced off by Pauls's comment of us "work[ing] out our salvation with fear and trembling". On the one hand Jesus knows His sheep and His sheep hear His voice but on the other, there seems to be some kind of "maintanance" (to use a poor word) of faith that seems to be neccessary on my part. I know it's not that my works save me. That's clear enough in Scripture but it also SEEMS as if I need to nurture it to keep it active and alive. I still don't get it completely!
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This is a hard topic and one I've been wrestling with for a long time. The idea expressed in Scripture regarding predestination seems balanced off by Pauls's comment of us "work[ing] out our salvation with fear and trembling". On the one hand Jesus knows His sheep and His sheep hear His voice but on the other, there seems to be some kind of "maintanance" (to use a poor word) of faith that seems to be neccessary on my part.
I know it's not that my works save me. That's clear enough in Scripture but it also SEEMS as if I need to nurture it to keep it active and alive.
I still don't get it completely!
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